"And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you." Romans 8: 11
w o a h -- can we all just read that REAL carefully...... if the Spirit of him who RAISED Jesus from the DEAD in living in you......he will also give LIFE to us.
So........the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead. Yeah, that guy? He's with us. What could we possibly NOT do then!?
I think it's easy for us to forget about how big of an army we have with us. God's on our side (wealreadywon) When the world gets loud and your comfort and love seems to be shrinking, just ask for help. Read any passage/pray a prayer and you'll be reminded of God's love. His Sovereignty. His Love. His Grace. His Mercy.
Since Holy Week, i've been slacking on my time with God. Even this week, i purposely ignored Him a few times because i just didn't feel like talking to Him. It's not always rainbows and butterflies for me too! This walk with God is a hard one- but i'm in for the long run because we already won this battle. I just need to keep on keeping on~ And it's always going to be like this. I'm going to struggle some days and be super victorious some days. Reality of walking this amazing, yet tiring journey with God- He's with us for sure, but it is going to be tough. But just as Romans 8:11 says...The same spirit that brought Jesus to life...lives IN us. #weGOTthis.
When we're in trouble or suffering, it's easy to forget our God is FOR us. We tend to think everyone, including God is against us. However..it's totally not the case! Again, it's super easy to think that and i'm guilty of it as well. But...while talking with my mom tonight, she made a good point. Maybe our prayers aren't being answered- or at least certain ones...because He wants us to keep asking. He wants us to earnestly ask. I mean..seriously, we all believe He's a good God right? Well..what if He always gave us all we wanted every time we asked. Would we appreciate Him as much? Would we just use Him? Would we even acknowledge His true genuine love for us?
I don't think so. It's something i wrestle with all the time. Like..hey God, wanna answer some of my prayers?! Arg! It's so so easy to forget...that we have to do our part too. Earnestly Pray. Talk to Him. Tell Him your desires and troubles and complaints! He wants to hear us. He even says that if we don't know what to say, the Spirit will help us.
"We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express." Romans 8: 26b
That is seriously one of my favorite verses. Even when we don't know what to say or ask for...God will even help us there! So just DO IT first. Ask. Talk to Him.
Ask Him what is up!!! Whether your life is amazing or horrible, He wants to hear our voice. He is a jealous God and your relationship with Him is NOT one way. If it's easier (it is for me) think of your relationship with Him like a relationship with a human! like a best friend.
How would they feel if you didn't talk to them for days? Weeks? Months?
How would they react if you only came to them for things? Used them? Only complained to them...
Well, it's a friendly reminder for me to think of God like that. If He was actually like in human form today..in front of me, how would i treat Him after all He's done for me? #foodforthought
This might be a repetitive thing i'll post but it's just a simple reminder for myself, and you guys all fighting the good fight..#DontForget. #DontForget that our Lord, our Father-- is WITH us. Even when we don't "feel" Him. And even when we don't, we just need to simple A S K. :)
Well, i hope you guys have a good rest of the week/end! TGIF!
After tomorrow, i only have a week left of classes..then finals, then HOME BOUNDDDDDD :) wheeee~
Thank God for His constant reminder of His grace and love for me daily..because without it, i'd be going crazy and be depressed. hehe love you guys and miss you babies back at home <3 be well~
Do Everything In Love, Always~
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